Two faith-filled therapists who want to spread healing and hope.

Isaac Wicker
Co-Founder, Therapist, Dad
A licensed professional counselor, Isaac started working in the mental-health industry in 2014. He served as a supervisor of a low-income mental health program for several years, went on to obtain his Master's degree in Clinical Counseling Psychology, and has been a practicing therapist ever since. Isaac created the Whole Human Challenge program to help Catholics uproot anxiety and enliven their faith. Isaac has personally struggled with mental health in the past, so being with others in their time of darkness as a therapist is of special importance to him; his practice is imbued with true sincerity and heartfelt empathy.

Matthew Breuninger
Co-Founder, Psychologist, Dad
Matthew is involved in a wide variety of projects and programs in the world of psychology and mental well-being. His career in psychology started in 2011 when he began his Doctorate. Since then, he founded Wellspring Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting, LLC and he assumed the role of Professor of Psychology at Franciscan University. Dr. Breuninger conducts research in the psychology of religion, conducts regular public speaking events, and is the author of Finding Freedom in Christ: Healing Life's Hurts.
With over twenty years of combined experience in mental health and passion for the work we do, we are eager to journey with you into the heart of the Father's healing love.

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