Our Mission
Our mission is to help people more deeply experience peace, healing, and new life in their relationship with God the Father.

Vol. 1
Print 23
Behind The KNOWN Mission
We, Isaac and Matt, met at a Catholic psychotherapy conference several years ago. In talking, we came to realize that we both saw a common need in the hearts of the hurting Catholics that we'd been serving. These people indeed shared the belief that God made us, knows us, and loves us, but they didn't truly see and feel that this was the case. They saw God abstractly as a "caring, tender, doting Father", but they didn't truly feel that He was always there to support them and unconditionally loving them, as any good father would. These precious Catholics fully believed in the Father and strove to live in total union with Him, but deep-down, despite their efforts, they felt distant from Him. Why?....
These Catholics were lacking a secure attachment to God the Father. A secure attachment refers to the most healthy way we we relate others. When we have a
secure attachment to a certain person, this allows us to feel that we are self-assured when all is going well and that we are supported, protected, and loved in times of distress. These Catholics needed a secure base to feel attached to, but because they lacked one growing up or because of some painful experience, they adopted and continued to possess unhealthy attachment styles. These led them to lack the proper relationship with God the Father, to feel that they were lacking the intimacy, trust, and security every Catholic longs for. We were able to help these people, but how many more lacked a healthy relationship, a healthy attachment to God the Father?
We wanted to solve this problem for every heart that didn't feel embraced by the Father, so we created KNOWN. KNOWN is a 12-week online Catholic coaching program where we help people heal their relationships with God the Father. KNOWN removes the
barriers to deeper trust and relational security with God the Father through our weekly calls, exercises, and meditations.
This program leaves people with space in their hearts for honesty, vulnerability, and intimacy with the Father; with a secure attachment to Him.
We fully believe in this program's ability to transform relationships with our Father and can gladly say that the KNOWN program has had a profound healing and transformational effect for many. We so sincerely believe in the power of this program that we developed the Good Steward Policy, enabling those struggling with their finances to also participate in the program. We want as many people as possible to share in the healing strength of KNOWN, and our vision for the future is one in which every broken relationship with the Father is healed. The future is filled with hope, for KNOWN and for hurting Catholics, and we look forward to writing the rest of our story with them.